Success in the Spiritual Sense

What is Your Interpretation of Success in the Spiritual Sense?

There’s a lot of definitions out there on success and you can easily google them or look it up in a dictionary. And some people have their own viewpoints and meanings behind it. Tony Robbins said it’s to take massive determined action. Someone else who I don’t recall said it’s persistence in never giving up and having a heart. But what does success look like then? Is it money, status, happiness, education, and a great job providing huge amounts of wealth or is fame reaching celebrity status with followers who worship you? Some of these can go together but putting the philosophical question here and engaging someone’s core spirit… their soul someone can work a really great corporate job making hundreds of thousands of dollars or maybe they’re a millionaire too with investments having all this money and wealth but their happiness is low and it feels like they’re spirit is crushed from a soul-crushing job.
Soul.     Crushing.     Job.

That’s pretty common now if you work in a white-collar corporate job sitting down all day under fluorescent lighting or working blue-collar in janitorial work or fast food service. Or it can be some other type of job that lacks fulfillment and does not mentally or physically engage you in the manner you want to exert yourself and produce to society. This can be pretty nasty but that’s the truth. The cold hard truth! You can do sales, telephone sales, call centers, and it’s stressful and it’s the only job someone can get whether that’s their own doing or it’s all they can get into or they can’t get out of it for whatever the circumstances may be. Or it’s all they can afford. You have to understand where people are coming from. It’s not always going to work out nor is it always a happy ending. Anyway, this is part of the point but looking at it from another angle.
Anyway, this is part of the point but looking at it from another angle.
Spiritual Image
My interpretation of success in the Spiritual sense is essentially attaining the physical incarnation of their highest self in this lifetime relative to their spiritual highest self. That’s my answer at a macro level but breaking this down to a micro-level view, I’d say it’s really achieving their life purpose(s) or mission(s) that make them grow and stay absolutely disciplined to avoid temptations to bring them down to a lower level of being human. And these successes is a win-win; contributing to others in society whether that number of people is large or small but also intrinsic as well. While everyone’s perspective on this can be different one way questioning how this may be Spiritually successful too is really evolving their senses like having complete control of their intuition or developing a higher psychic ability like remote viewing in dreams, seeing peoples actual aura colors, seeing the paranormal or picking up on hidden meanings with a clairvoyant sense of perception of all matter and nature.

Breaking this down at another level of looking at their optimal success could be how they are an actual winner succeeding in their daily dealings of life to the way they carry and conduct themselves and their self-talk; whether that’s verbal to themselves or their own thought process. Even how they go about doing everything and their interaction with people making other human beings feel better after each interaction. Their success can be achieving a goal they went after which may HAVE solved a pain point in their life or winning in a competition or in that they build their wealth & accumulate some sense of status increasing their fortune along with heights of happiness and growing their self-assurance of who they are. The successful person says something they are going to do and they actually do it keeping their word to themselves and others. Maybe they win at something which made them grow into the next stage in the life of the evolution of their character which could be money, reaching a financial goal in saving & investing a job, an education/degree, getting a girlfriend or boyfriend nurturing that relationship to grow… whether that’s heterosexual or homosexual. Their success could also be losing weight, AND getting in really great shape.
Two Zen Stone Rocks It’s all relative and a combination of things being able to make balance across all facets of an individual’s life and their lifestyle as well as their character, career, work, family, hobbies, other social relationships, etc. and having these be in harmony growing completely which converts to their internal growth and character nurturing their soul and spirituality to become the best and strongest version of who they are. They are the physical being of their highest self or guardian angel.

There are other things too like not quitting, not complaining, and not giving up which takes away from someone’s ability to be successful. Not saying that being a winner all the time is the answer to being completely successful. Someone could win at getting a job that crushes their spirit and sucks the life out of them because the work environment is a giant energy vampire. This is contradicting because tying back to an earlier example of this blog but it’s all relative at the end of the day. Perhaps somebody is successful in dealing with overcoming difficult problems like surviving a bout of cancer, depression, overcoming suicidal dependencies/thoughts, trauma, excessive weight loss in a state of obesity, and being able to pull through to become a stronger person out of those dark times. Or getting out of an abusive relationship that’s family, a significant other/partner, a toxic friendship, co-worker, or neighbor and turning it into a proactive approach reaching someone who contributes adding value to their life when previously dealing with a very negative human being. Perhaps they were born or were exposed to these harsh realities at an early age or through their developing years and to break away keeping themselves grounded and centered carved the path for them to continue reaching spiritual enlightenment and success in all facets of their life. Sometimes those hard times are testaments for us to grow a thick skin to endure pain when we go onto the next journey which will throw us hard balls, curves, or maybe the bat is getting swung at us and we need to brace ourselves! That’s all metaphorically speaking but you get the point.

So there you go! That’s my interpretation and take of what success means overall in a Spiritual sense. My answer may be similar to yours or someone else’s. Perhaps your take or someone else’s perspective is much different.
What’s your feedback?

More importantly, what is your interpretation and meaning of success from a spiritual standpoint?

How it applies to you or anyone else?

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