Near Death Experience

You learn how to live
once you’ve learned how to die

What is your take or personal story with a Near Death Experience?

Near-Death Experience (NDE) is a personal experience associated with death or impending demise that is Spiritual in its own with the flurry of sensations that come about. This includes Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE) such as detaching from your body, the feeling of levitating, complete peace being in the moment with serenity, clarity of mind. It can be a feeling of losing track of space & time or feeling like your are in another world using your non-5 physical senses to perceive it; like it’s your soul & your mind still intact wondering elsewhere outside of your body. Like viewing yourself from a 3rd person perspective.

There are many case studies that describe NDE this way for the viewer to avoid watching what happens to them physically when the situation is too traumatizing to experience in a conscious state of mind. To save themselves mentally from a traumatic imprint on their psyche and forever stored in their subconscious.
Man walking through the tunnel of light
Sometimes its dissolution is totally closed off from yourself and you may start to drift into the afterlife (if you believe in that sort of thing?). I do and this blog site is really for those who believe in that bigger than ourselves and a higher power (God if you will).

Common reports say seeing a light or a tunnel. Or an angel or spirit guide to accompany them to move on in the next dimension. In the book “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton, Ph.D., his case study examples are primarily those subjects who go into a deep state of hypnosis to recall past lives. These sessions are past-life regressions and they describe what happens immediately after death through recalling previous incarnations. In a previous life, they describe death and what happens. And a lot of these are close to or exactly the same for cases of NDE which is usually most of the time an OBE.

Like their body is floating above on the ceiling and they can see their body lying down like on a bed, table or some kind of flat surface feeling a tingling sensation in their forehead. Precisely where their pineal gland (3rd eye chakra) is with a type of chord connecting their physical host to their soul which is floating above. Perhaps this is where our 3rd Eye & Crown Chakras really come into play for part of our extrasensory non-physical preceptors. The 3rd is the most intuitive of the Chakras and the indigo color really symbolizes the spiritual nature of this OBE detachment, whether it’s a Near-Death-Experience or not.

While feelings of detachment are common, sometimes in some cases it has a downside of being in a black abyss or experiencing nothingness. Other more comforting experiences are those who see deceased family members or loved ones next to them to help bring down tensions if they’re passing or nearly passing to help them cross over to the other side (the next dimension in the afterlife). While it may seem like a hallucination (could be in some cases), the presence of deceased loved ones helps the dying or near dying person reconcile with themselves. In turn to re-center their presence of mind to their body and restore their spirit settling their emotions.

One of them or if not THE most important part of an NDE is coming to terms with yourself of who you really are. And finding out your life purpose(s) [maybe you have more than one] and realizing what your gift is to the world. What you need to accomplish and give back to the planet and society in this lifetime… this incarnation. What useful service can you provide to make the world a better place even if it just makes it better for just one person? What’s your one thing?

“The two most important days in your life are
the day you are born and
the day you find out why.” ~ Mark Twain

That second day might be the day you experience almost dying and have to look within. Truly reflect with immense psychological breakdown and then build up from a mental rock bottom.

“We all have two lives.
The second one starts when we realize
that we only have one.” ~ Tom Hiddleston

That’s very true when you have lived life as if living forever or in a bubble not ever facing anything that makes you confront your own mortality. Near-Death-Experience is the ultimate wake-up call in this regard unless you experience death from someone else. Living a life perpetually thinking things will constantly be the way they are giving a false sense of security. Not the way to truly be living and retrospect to find meaning through this and hardships. A time to make changes, a time to take action. That second day of realizing you have one life can help reveal you to yourself and find purpose in life. You have your ‘ why’ from Mark Twain’s quote.

“He who has a why to live for
can bear almost any how” ~ Friedrich Nietzche

NDE can reveal you to yourself. Your true self. All your attributes, gifts as well as your faults and insecurities you consciously let go of at one point only to now have them come back to the surface. Spiritual Persona Walking in an aura of multiple lights Your face the end and our bodies have an expiration date in this lifetime. Nobody is immortal. While our lives flash before our eyes right before death, in other cases the dying getting nearer to it whether at old age or terminal illness, confessions of regret pop to the surface of those things they didn’t do or act on. Missed opportunities, not taking a chance on something or trying something new or not forgiving someone, and holding onto the anger only to grow bitter. Also shockingly are confessions of sins.
A question often asked then “is there life after death?”

That’s an answer you’ll have to determine for yourself if you believe in more than just the physical flesh. A lot of people do as do religions and anyone of a Spiritual nature. Reincarnation with our souls experiencing more lifetimes but that is for a different blog another time. In some cases, some fear death to atone for their wrongdoings in their life and others feel a sense of peace with former loved ones who passed previously to greet them. Sometimes an angel or spirit guide is there to accompany the dying.

What is even more fascinating as someone returns from this state they are reborn with a new lease on life. It gives a sense of purpose or being in that you need to truly start living more like a takeaway from the dying experience.

“A near-death experience is good
Every now and then” ~ Minh Tan

Most people exist but do not truly live. Sometimes we need something to break us out of our rut and stop being so rigid like a wake-up call or massive change or a good vacation getaway but not nearly dying per se. But NDE can shake up our entire conscionable fabric and ego see with a new lens. The withering down of our own vanity.

“Maybe it takes an NDE to feel alive” ~ Frank Olson

There’s a very interesting passage in the last chapter of Robert Greene’s book “The 50 th Law” which is also co-authored with the rapper 50 Cent that talks about the Sublime and facing our death with a fearless approach. That we confront our mortality accepting we have only so much time in life which 50 Cent realize after his NDE from his assassination. The ‘sublime’ as described in the book originates from Latin which is an entryway to death providing a tangible mimicry of the unknown that it’s devoid of comprehension. Reflection of a Tree in Water A reflection of death in life that inspires wonder which can be complete darkness, the thought of infinity, a bottom less pit, a never ending reflection of mirrors within mirrors or looking at the sky at night with the stars looking out into the distance of outer space.

Ultimately this ties to a sort of ‘little death’. By becoming aware of the ‘Sublime’ it transforms our fears to something purposeful combatting the routines or ruts we get stuck in that prevent us from living. From there it goes on to four sensations to conjure the ‘Sublime’ that can shake ourselves up to ultimately start living. Life isn’t fair and having some confrontation with the end of life itself will invoke one to start living the rest of their days fully and with meaning. When you do there will be no regrets. As much as you learn to live and embrace life you learn to die already knowing there is a definite end & separation from the physical world. The meaning you live by in life is also corresponds to Jordan Peterson’s philosophy with meaning; you have a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful. So start living.

This wraps up this post and in the accordion below, click on the icon to expand it to see my personal NDE and what I took away from it. (this is still being worked on)

This is my personal NDE from having the form of Heart Diseas from Myocarditis and Peracarditis.

Story will come soon along with a recorded audio!

Stay tuned!

If you or someone you know had a NDE before, what was it like? What did you take away from it?

For those of you who haven’t, what are your thoughts on all this? Drop your comments below and let us know!

1 comment
  1. Sandra
    June 6, 2022 at 12:31 am

    It was not my time, but definitely a wake up call to how fast death can happen. Mine, I was knocked out completely in an accident blacked out and I woke up in an ambulance. I never saw a light or anything like that so I don’t think I was close enough to death. Why I was not that close I have no idea. I do believe I had an angel with me keeping me safe. I do believe in life after death and my experience will come later in life which is a blessing for me at this point.

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