Holistic Spirituality

“Spirituality does not come from religion.
It comes from our soul.”

– Anthony Douglas Williams

~ Inside the Divine Pattern

What does Spirituality mean to you?

One of the core premises of this site and future posts; Spirituality is a growing topic and a lot can be said about it. To start and if you’re new reading this or not familiar with the Spiritual concept, it essentially is by most definitions the matter and dealings with the human spirit or the person’s soul instead of materialistic (physical) things that are universal to all human beings and sometimes to things bigger than us like our highest selves or a higher power.
Understand this: is that there is a lot of room for interpretation and a wider range of perspectives on what Spirituality is and how it’s applied and what we can learn from it. However, a lot of it also stems from learning more about ourselves and our personal growth in connection to nature and all that there is in the universe whether tangible or intangible. Going deeper this can be our own meaning or deepest calling in life… our true life purpose on this earth in the life we’ve been given in our incarnated bodies!

Other interpretations of Spirituality already based on the fact that it’s a universal human experience is that it’s embracing our true nature which is love and the practice of openness according to the source “The Way of the Superior Man” by David Deida. You can easily find an abundance of sources on it all over the internet and on this one page, one blog post, one website is within one of many, MANY that are out there and serving you as a digital destination with more on the subject matter with various topics and crossovers to Philosophy, Psychology, Metaphysics, life, nature, collectiveness and all that there is in the existing universe. Other viewpoints on Spirituality are that it’s a connection to God, a higher power, or your higher self which may very well be your soul. One perspective of looking at this is breaking it down a bit further: Mind, Body, and Spirit. Could we really say then its Body, Mind then Spirit? In that Spirituality is then the physical (body) first, the mental/emotional psychological state (mind) as second and then third & last it’s the Soul (aka the Spirit). This comes down to we are souls, spiritual beings with a mind manifested in a physical incarnation as a human being at this point in time in all of written history and so on in the past with our ancestors and then in the future with subsequent offsprings of growing generations.
Spiritual Image
One important thing to realize with Spirituality is that it is not a religion that doesn’t have any texts, practices, or beliefs within a shared community or particular culture in relationship with God and the divine. It is primarily one’s association with being human and typically those who are more attuned to their Spirituality and embrace it, tend to seek out ways of manifesting things to unify their mind, body, and soul through such outlets as meditation (active & passive), yoga, grounding techniques, traveling, reflection (i.e. journaling), self-expression through arts, selfless acts, love to themselves and those closest to them in their life, practicing gratitude, showing appreciation and care to other sentient life such as animals, reptiles, plants and even going so far as to reduce their carbon footprint on the Earth because of their deepened connection to the Earth and all living things.
You can even say that they see themselves as a human of the planet and with a stronger global view. This sense of self-identifying as a Spiritualist can be strongly attributed to our globalized network of digital technology and the way we are more technologically connected than ever before in human history and seeing the impact we are having on the world. It takes a collective effort to make a massive change but it always starts with one person and starting with themselves and their local community. After all… it’s said that change must first start within so we must begin by changing ourselves and committing to an act we feel is beneficial to the world that is in harmony with all nature and all forms of being even the intangible ones such as the economy, ecosystem, environment and so on.

A heightened sense of Spirituality when practicing can be an interaction with someone on the deep eye-to-eye connection through your conversation; whether that’s someone you personally know, casually know like an acquaintance, or even a stranger. You are connecting deeper looking into each other’s eyes down into the soul which means you can truly get a sense of the person you are talking to and going past the non-verbal body language; the actual being of the person & the vibration of their energy they are giving off. This can be a great eye-opening experience (pun unintended) when you see them for who they truly are and it can also be nerve-racking if you encounter someone truly dark or worse… evil. The best is seeing them into their soul that they are a truly enlightened being, pure love, bliss, and joy; the complete embodiment of happiness. Could this positive end of the spectrum of the person’s soul, their own Spirituality of complete love and happiness be a measuring tool for success in life?

Spirituality also encompasses the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs which are seeking self-actualization; fulfillment of a life purpose with the meaning of their existence on this Earth living the truth of who they are. Two Zen Stone Rocks This allows someone to hone in on their personal values and work towards becoming a better human being in this lifetime so they can learn life lessons from their growth and experiences in this incarnation. This even goes to the little things in life they appreciate in their day-to-day lives and overall lifestyle. It’s being conscious of small acts and interactions like a quick passing by of a stranger and holding strong eye contact for a few seconds, holding the door open for someone behind you, letting a wild animal pass by on the road when coming to a stop so you do not run over it, taking the time for self-love by exercise, healthy eating or taking a walk outside to get fresh air. The bottom line with embracing Spirituality comes with a strong sense of awareness; both of themselves and externally. We are all one and the act of Spirituality most of the time is kindness. You can be both Religious and Spiritual at the same time and you can also not be part of any Religion and still be Spiritual. One isn’t dependent on the other.

As this post was my viewpoint on it in conjunction with other sources available to us put together, I’ll end it with something that resonates with you and everyone else so it’s applied to all. It’s a universal human experience pertaining to the actual soul of the individual within the realm of something bigger than ourselves which could be the universe. Note that sometimes the unique Spiritual happenings in themselves are sometimes unique to a particular person and not necessarily apply to all people, so some of the Spirituality in a general sense is applied to everyone but specific things aren’t always related. This is my answer to you in writing.

What is your interpretation of Spirituality?

What does it mean to you?

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