Covid-19 Calamity

What was your experience during the start of the Covid-19 lockdowns last year?

Covid-19 Calamity
I originally wrote this over a year ago during the Covid lock-downs so the content is a little dated. However it’s worth touching and taking a look to reflect back during this time of uncertainty and where we all stood.

It’s April in the spring season of 2020 and the coronavirus is here affecting every living person on Earth in one way or another. For most, we’re under quarantine with ‘only’ essential business left open which still leaves a lot of everyday things closed down that most of us take for granted which would be our leisurely shops and forms of entertainment. As I mentioned in my general post about Spirituality being a universal ‘human’ experience, this is akin to what we’re going through right now.

These are hard times for all and extremely challenging for most who may find themselves vulnerable to Covid-19 or are already sick with it. Or associated in some way with knowing or living to work in an environment where someone has it. The stigma that comes with it now spells really bad news or doom to others. Other challenging times are being unemployed or at a financial loss with the economy on hold losing circulation. I’m writing to you as someone who got laid off right before all this started and lost a family dog of 13.5 years who I loved dearly and now feeling the pressure(s) of quarantine. Especially the social isolation.

These are hard times and hard times build character for better or for worse. And in this Covid-19 calamity we’re all undergoing, almost all of us have an abundance of extra time being indoors for so long, and is spiritually a time to look within. I’m sorry for all those who are suffering the worst in this and stuck in-home or household with toxic people or person(s) who are abusive. For a lot of other people including myself, we are left to contend with ourselves and the endeavors of finding suitable employment to finance our livelihood. How do we handle under unprecedented pressure now in quarantine with what’s to come in the aftermath?

What does the future look like and will ‘I’ be okay after this is over? What about our loved ones who are just as impacted?
Covid-19 Virus Cell
What about our global world or the planet as a whole with most things shut down?

Nobody really knows and it’s such a shock to our psyche that it’s completely changed our everyday lives. Looking at this from a positive angle, there is a great opportunity out of this chaos if we know where to look. Most of which is looking within and taking the time to reset. An opportunity to change and rebalance. For those into self-growth and self-improvement, this is a gold mine. And realistically a once in a lifetime chance to leverage this time to fundamentally change our core being by taking constant action through this allotted time to do the things necessary for our fulfillment and even to our own health. I personally found some downtime to just go walk around outside to clear my head and spent more time journaling to capture everything on my mind down to paper. I know a lot of us are scared and our minds all over the place so having a diary is a good self-talk approach to get our inner thoughts jotted down and communicate honestly to ourselves.

That book you couldn’t finish or always wanted to read sitting on your bookshelf… well now’s the time. That friend that moved away you haven’t talked to in years… give them a ring or do a virtual video call and say ‘what’s up’. That movie or TV show you always put off but were dying to watch… if you have it or can stream it then put that on and enjoy the show!

Hey! If you wanted to start your own business there’s time for that now. What you need is the right mindset and digging to a deeper truth here is if you have the willpower, discipline, and persistence to see it through?

Ultimately the higher meaning here is how and what you do with all this and your character you shape through this. To reach your highest self in all this if you have all this extra time would be to gain knowledge (read books), learn something new (skill), get in shape (calisthenics or home gym), improve your health-boosting your immunity, reconnect with friends and associates you lost touch with or connect deeper with those you already bond with. This is your opportunity to seize under this Coronavirus calamity. You can’t change the governments of the world on this but you can change yourself.

If you digress or remain neutral out of all this quarantine and had the exuberance of time and not a financial loss or didn’t lose a business or stuck in a toxic household, you may have failed a major life test. It’s not the lack of time but lack of character traits (discipline, willpower) to do the things you can do that you wanted to before when all you needed was time. And time is our most valuable asset.

There’s an old sang:

    “Hard times create hard men,
        Hard men create good times,
            Good times create weak men,
                Weak men create hard times”
And… “Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it”.

Guy Creating on his PC If one historical moment we can take and apply to all this was the Great Depression from the 1920s. While we have a pandemic (or ‘plandemic for those who think it’s planned from the elite powers that be…), that’s caused the economy to crash from a shut down there is opportunity in all this just how there was during the Great Depression. With every failure and adversity, there is a seed of equivalent virtue. The Yin-Yang to all this. The positive mindset seeing a chance in a coronavirus quarantine. Nature yields to the survival of the strongest according to Darwin’s theory of evolution while we are intellectual beings with civilities and not sentient animals in the wild, we do need to be strong and courageous in the ‘wild’ of this calamity and the economic hardships it brings.

These hard times were in will shape hard people. These hard people who survive and thrive from this may come to create good times for a better future. To endure, we need things in place to prepare for the worst for a possible recurrence in the future if we are to study the history of right now so the result doesn’t lead to weakness later on to repeat these difficult times.

Seek within and do not fall prey to the fear of pleasurable indulgences that weaken your will to seize this time. Endure and take charge.

What have you learned about yourself during these times since 2020?

How have you endured and/or prevailed from this Covid situation?

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