The intersection of Spirituality and Life Perspectives
Welcome to Deeper Truths and Higher Meanings (DTHM). Here you will find content on Spirituality beyond its entirety relating to all aspects of life, death, nature, and the existing universe.
Some content may be more of an article or a form of a stream of consciousness than a traditional blog.
Success is part of the growth process for our life’s journey.
Some people have their own viewpoint on what it means to be successful but how is it relevant to one’s spirituality?
Success in the Spiritual Sense
Some people have their own viewpoint on what it means to be successful.
How do you put the spin on it relative to one’s spiritual side?
I can go into how I believe its attaining the physical incarnation of their highest self in this lifetime relative to their spiritual highest self.
Essentially attaining their purpose, mission and fulfilling the meaning of their life.
What’s your interpretation of success in the spiritual sense?
Spirituality is about the human spirit or the persons soul instead of materialistic (physical) things and sometimes things bigger than ourselves like a higher power.
Holistic Spirituality
Spirituality by most definitions is the matter and dealings with the human spirit or the persons soul instead of materialistic (physical) things.
This applies universally to all human beings and sometimes to things bigger than ourselves like nature or a higher power.
There is a lot of room for interpretation and a wider range of perspectives on what Spirituality is and how it’s applied and what we can learn from it.
What is your interpretation of Spirituality? How does it apply to you?
These hard times build character for better or for worse. In this Covid-19 Calamity, it is spiritually a time to really look within. The material world is falling and the spiritual world awakens!
Covid-19 Calamity
These hard times build character for better or for worse. In this Covid-19 Calamity, it is spiritually a time to really look within. The material world is falling and the spiritual world awakens!
In the aftermath of all this, what does the world look like? The new-normal global society? Nobody really knows… but in these uncertain times, its a time to look within and use this for a time of opportunity for self-growth!
What have you learned about yourself and have endured or prevailed from the 2020 Covid situation?
“Follow Your Heart”…
Sometimes our heart may know something is a lie or a truth whenever we try to convince ourselves otherwise with our rational minds.
| Mind – Heart |
Sometimes our heart knows something is a lie or a truth whenever we try to convince ourselves otherwise with our rational minds.
That’s our conscious speaking to us and the division between our heart and mind leaves one unaligned paving the way for drifting.
And drifting is dangerous leading to a lack of clarity for the ultimate realization of one’s highest self.
Thus diminishing their spirituality as drifting leaves one to an idle mind and we know the worst of it as the old sang goes:
“An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”.
Setbacks are inevitable. How we perceive them says alot, just like our attitude when we have everything and patience when we have nothing. Sometimes failure serves as blessing in disguise to begin anew.
Spiritual Resiliency From Failure to Virtue
Setbacks are inevitable. How we perceive them says alot, just like our attitude when we have everything and patience when we have nothing. Sometimes failure serves as blessing in disguise to begin anew.
Not letting a defeat dominate our thoughts, we can with an objective view recognize its time to take a new approach to our journey of reaching our goal.
And its in our inner spirit… our human will power with the resiliency to push through temporary defeat and not let this lower our energy vibration and channel this in a new direction.
How do you draw in your human spirit to persevere through failure?
Near-Death Experience (NDE) is a personal one associated with death or impending demise that is Spiritual in its own with the flurry of sensations that come about. This includes Out-of-Body Experiences.
Near Death Experience
A near-death experience (NDE) is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death which researchers claim share similar characteristics. When positive, such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light. When negative, such experiences may include sensations of anguish and distress.
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ~ Mark Twain
“Sit with animals quietly and they will show you their hearts. Sit with them kindly, and they will help you locate yours” ~ Ramblings of the Claury.
Relation to Sentient Life
Our sentient neighbors on this planet have a lot to teach us about life simply following the laws of nature that they abide by. And most of all, humankind’s best friend, the Dog!
“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” ~ Roger Caras